The debate on guns is one of the most polarizing topics in our country today. Gun violence is a very salient issue with most people due to the violence guns can cause. However, firearms are not the only tools used for violence in the United States. Even though firearms are involved in a large number of violent crimes, there are other weapons that are equally as dangerous. Knives are an example of these weapons. According to the FBI, knives were involved in approximately 1,694 homicides in 2011. This far outnumbers the 323 rifles deaths from the same year.
Recent Knife Assaults
The Nevada Daily Mail reported on one such violent knife attack. According to the article, Joshua D. Scholes was arrested after committing a knife assault on January 24, 2016. After officers responded to a call on the 300 block of North Cedar they found an individual with a stab wound to the stomach. The individual did not regain consciousness until days later, but after an interview, the arrest of the suspect shortly followed. 7 KOAM TV reported Scholes is currently in custody on charges of stealing a motor vehicle, assault in the first degree, unlawful use of a weapon, and robbery in the first degree.
Recently there was another report of an assault with a knife in Carson City. According to the Nevada Appeal, Ryan Smith, was accused of felony assault with a deadly weapon. He allegedly pointed a knife at another man. Threats of knife injury extend far outside Nevada. Fox 25 recently reported on a stabbing in New York. The article described a four-day manhunt in search of Michael Sykes. Sykes is accused of using a kitchen knife in an attack against his girlfriend and three of her small children.
Recovering from Knife Attacks
Knife attacks can translate into personal injury claims. Although murder charges and felony assault charges are crimes, assault and battery can also translate to civil charges as well. If, for example, someone were to point a knife at you and make a threat of violence, this could very well be an assault. On the other hand, if someone actually stabbed you with a knife that could be a battery.
After being confronted by a person wielding a knife your main goal will be to recover damages. Of the damages you could recover, everything will stem from your injuries tied to the incident with the knife. Predominantly, victims seek damages related to their medical costs. However, these are not the only damages you can seek. If the stabbing has somehow prevented you from being able to return to your job, you may be able to claim lost wages. In fact, you can also claim pain and suffering in certain circumstances. If you or a loved one is the victim of a stabbing you should seek immediate medical attention. After you are safely treated you should contact a licensed Nevada personal injury attorney. With a licensed attorney you will be able to proceed with your claim.